
Lars Peter Hansen is a leading expert in economic dynamics who works at the forefront of economic thinking and modeling. He draws approaches from macroeconomics, finance, and statistics.

Hansen’s current work investigates three interconnecting areas: (1) struggling with a complex and uncertain future; (2) implications of macroeconomic uncertainty for market and social valuation; and (3) understanding investor beliefs through asset market data

In this 4-minute documentary, “Incertitudes”, Lars explains why he seeks to better understand the role uncertainty plays in financial markets and the economy. (Produced by Histoire courtes.)

1. Struggling with a complex and uncertain future

Hansen and his collaborators explore the economic implications when uncertainty is more broadly conceived than is typical in economic analyses. To investigate this requires a modeling framework where decision-makers sometimes struggle with how to make projections about the future. Hansen and his coauthors propose and justify ways to represent prudent decision making in the presence of different forms of uncertainty, including risk within a model, ambiguity across models, and the potential misspecification of each such model. This research is a precursor to the study of the impact of broadly-based uncertainty on financial markets, economic outcome, and astute policymaking.

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2. Implications of macroeconomic uncertainty for market and social valuation

Formal and informal evidence from financial markets suggests that the markets vary over time in their concerns about uncertainty. What exactly drives these fluctuations, and how are they related to speculations about future macroeconomic performance? Relatedly, how should public policy be most effectively designed given our incomplete understanding of how such policies impacts the economy? Hansen’s joint work with his collaborators advances our understanding of the answers to these important questions.

The following paper is a survey of this strand of research:

Market Valuation

Investors in financial markets are compensated for their exposure to macroeconomic uncertainty, and the impact of this uncertainty compounds over time. The nature or form of this uncertainty can impact the implied market valuations. Hansen and his collaborators are advancing our understanding of what the sources are of these market compensations, and what exactly makes the compensations fluctuate over time. This research includes a drive to identify and understand better the uncertainties that persist over time as well as what their impact is on even short-term valuation.

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Social Valuation

Hansen and his collaborators build on ideas in 1) Struggling with a complex and uncertain future and elsewhere by developing and applying various methods for confronting uncertainty and its consequences when formulating prudent public policy design and assessing alternative courses of action. This research brings tools from decision theory and asset pricing to study uncertainty valuation, including the ramifications for the social cost of carbon in the study of climate change. Specifically, Hansen’s research emphasizes how to make quantitative modeling a credible input to conduct policy analysis in dynamic settings when our knowledge base is limited. It combines so-called “stylized modeling” with empirical evidence while seeking to recognize the limits of each.

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3. Investor beliefs as revealed by asset market data

Asset markets are fundamentally forward-looking. They encode information related to investors’ beliefs about the future and about investors’ concerns for the underlying uncertainty. How can we use financial market data to extract information about these two components in a reliable way? Financial market prices can change because investors change their subjective beliefs about the future and because the risk prices that they are exposed to change. This research, which Hansen pursues with his collaborators, investigates this question by formally exploring the interplay between investors’ beliefs, the statistical challenges that market participants confront, and the long-term consequences of exposures to uncertainty.

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(See complete paper archive.)