Thirteen MFM fellowship awardees currently on the job market
The Macro Finance Research Program is pleased to announce that thirteen of its previous Macro Financial Modeling (MFM) dissertation fellowship awardees are currently on the job market. These...
Students Convene for the 2018 MFM Summer Session for Young Scholars at Cape Cod, MA
The Macro Financial Modeling Project's summer session is designed for early-career professionals and doctoral students in economics and related fields who are interested in developing enhanced...
MFM team wins RCC award for Code on Solving Nonlinear Macroeconomic Models
On May 8, 2o18 the Macro Financial Modeling (MFM) project team presented a poster at a symposium called Mindbytes organized by University of Chicago's Research Computer Center (RCC). On behalf of the...
Joint Program Student Michael Barnett Receives Stevanovich Fellowship Award
One of the aims of the Macro Finance Research Program (MFR) is to support graduate student research including students in the Joint Program in Financial Economics at the University of Chicago...
Financial Stability, the Global Economy, and Monetary Policy: A Discussion with Charles Evans and Lars Peter Hansen
On April 7, 2018, I had the opportunity to interview Charles Evans, the President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago since September 2017 for a special panel discussion during the...
Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy featuring Lars Peter Hansen
Discussion Section with Kevin Murphy: Featuring Lars Peter Hansen View the original feature story on the Becker Friedman Institute website. In his latest Discussion Section interview,...
Hansen Explores “Curse of the Top 5”
A provocative panel at the 2017 American Economic Association meeting, featuring Professor Hansen and other senior scholars, explored the oversized role that a handful of economics journals plays in...