September 2014 | Article
Shock Elasticities and Impulse Responses
We construct shock elasticities that are pricing counterparts to impulse response functions. Recall that impulse response functions measure the importance of next-period shocks for future values of a time series. Shock elasticities measure the contributions to the price and to the expected future cash flow from changes in the exposure to a shock in the next period. They are elasticities because their measurements compute proportionate changes. We show a particularly close link between these objects in environments with Brownian information structures.
Journal: Mathematics and Financial Economics|Volume: 8|Issue Number: 4|Pages: 333-354|Tags: Financial Market Linkages to the Macroeconomy, Uncertainty and Valuation|Export BibTeX >
@article{bhs:2014, title={Shock Elasticities and Impulse responses}, author={Borovi{v{c}}ka, Jaroslav and Hansen, Lars Peter and Scheinkman, Jos{'e} A}, journal={Mathematics and Financial Economics}, volume={8}, number={4}, pages={333--354}, year={2014}, publisher={Springer} }✕