Program Director:
Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago Department of Economics, Statistics and the Booth School of Business

One of my great teachers, Wesley C. Mitchell, impressed on me the basic reason why scholars have every incentive to pursue a value-free science, whatever their values and however strongly they may wish to spread and promote them. In order to recommend a course of action to achieve an objective, we must first know whether that course of action will in fact promote the objective. Positive scientific knowledge that enables us to predict the consequences of a possible course of action is clearly a prerequisite for the normative judgment whether that course of action is desirable. The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions, precisely because of the neglect of this rather obvious point. This point is particularly important in economics. ― Milton Friedman, Nobel Lecture, Journal of Political Economy [read more on Friedman’s views and contributions to economic sciences here.]

The Macro Finance Research Program (MFR) expands our understanding of how financial markets affect the economy as a whole and, conversely, how the macroeconomy influences financial markets. It does so by bringing together a community of elite scholars with common ambitions to tackle these important challenges. This program operates under the auspices of the Becker Friedman Institute with generous funding support from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Through sponsored research projects, conferences, and interactions with visiting scholars, this program focuses on these fundamental questions:

  • How do we construct models and measurements that will better support the prudent oversight of system-wide challenges to the financial system?
  • What are the best ways to incorporate broad notions of uncertainty into the analysis of economic policies for both the private and public sectors?
  • What are some meaningful approaches to addressing climate change in the presence of the associated deep uncertainties?
  • How does the credit cycle influence the business cycle, and how does the business cycle affect the credit cycle?
  • How does macroeconomic policy uncertainty impact financial markets?
  • What are the macroeconomic and financial market implications of intermediation and its impediments?

For general program inquiries, please contact Diana Petrova, MFR Program Executive Director, at

MFR Program Advisory Committee

The Macro Finance Research Program (MFR) Advisory Committee oversees the research agenda of the program. Members of the committee are prominent experts in macroeconomics and finance with particular interests in exploring linkages between these fields:

  • Lars Peter Hansen, Professor, University of Chicago Departments of Economics, Statistics and the Booth School of Business, Committee Chair
  • Fernando Alvarez, Professor, University of Chicago Department of Economics
  • John Cochrane, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, and BFI Distinguished Research Fellow
  • Douglas Diamond, Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Zhiguo He, Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • John Heaton, Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Anil Kashyap, Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Ralph Koijen, Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Yueran Ma, Professor of Finance, University of Booth School of Business
  • Stefan Nagel, Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Carolin Pflueger, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy
  • Thomas Sargent, Professor, New York University Department of Economics and BFI Distinguished Research Fellow
  • Amir Sufi, Professor, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Harald Uhlig, Professor, University of Chicago Department of Economics

Upcoming Conferences and Events

Previous MFR Conferences and Events

Featured COVID-19 Research

*MFR Program Advisory Committee Member

Quant MFR

Quant Macro Finance (QuantMFR) is an online research resource repository. The website includes both written pedagogical discussions and software support for relevant computations. It currently features several chapters of the book entitled, “Risk, Uncertainty and Value” by Lars Peter Hansen, Thomas J. Sargent and Jaroslav Borovička, along with associated notebooks that provide access to computational support. This book develops concepts and tools to support uncertainty characterizations and quantifications as they apply to potentially nonlinear stochastic equilibrium models. The QuantMFR website also includes complementary materials on model comparisons for classes on macro-finance models along with other published pedagogical discussions of tools and methods of analysis for stochastic equilibrium models. In addition, the QuantMFR website offers a variety of user-friendly code for interested scholars who wish to apply the methods.

Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America Project

Project Directors:
Juan Pablo Nicolini, Senior Research Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Timothy J. Kehoe, Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Fernando Alvarez, University of Chicago, Department of Economics
Thomas J. Sargent, NYU, Department of Economics

Latin American economies have endured a wide variety of experiences in terms of the design, the implementation and the consequences of monetary and fiscal policies. While many country-specific narratives exist, this research project is assembling comprehensive historical time series for eleven countries to provide more complete and comprehensive accounts for each country and to facilitate cross-country comparisons. This project, as part of the MFR, has engaged scholars and experienced policy makers to provide accurate assessments for each country’s fiscal history. The lessons gleaned from analyzing these historical data will offer valuable guidance for policy makers, international financial institutions, and the academic community.

Visit the project website here.

Behavioral Implications of Uncertainty in Macroeconomics Project (BUMP)

Project Director: Thomas J. Sargent, NYU, Department of Economics

How people conceive of and respond to uncertainty is a critical behavioral ingredient of dynamic economic models. In many macroeconomic models today, uncertainty has only modest impacts. This is because these models embrace the assumption of rational expectations that says that people know the probabilities implied by the model. The rational expectations assumption is a valuable tool for evaluating many problems, but is dubious for analyzing many of the important situations we face today when concerns about temperatures, other physical determinants of long-term growth prospects, and demographic drivers of possible “secular stagnation” are on many peoples’ minds. Therefore, we propose to expand the usual rational expectations approach in macroeconomics by attributing uncertainty about the probabilities that people in our models are facing. We see this as having vital implications for formulating sensible economic policies. We push beyond the conventional risk-based, rational expectations analyses by building on probe more general paradigms coming from decision theory and modern mathematical control theory. Furthermore, we complement and extend other behavioral research that emphasizes psychological mechanisms. We accomplish this by using statistical theory to formalize how environmental complexities of the model framework can influence individual behaviors.

Click here to read a research brief summarizing the aim of the BUMP project.

University of Chicago Joint Program in Financial Economics

This Macro Financial Research Program will seek to encourage the participation of interested and promising advanced graduate student researchers. One vehicle for doing this is the Joint Program in Financial Economics at the University of Chicago. This program is a collaboration between the Economics department and the Booth School of Business.

The aim of this program is to exploit the strengths of both sponsors in training PhD students interested in financial economics. Core economics training is valuable for students seeking to do research in financial economics, and advances in financial economics have important spillovers to other areas of economics.

Every year, the program holds a number of conferences, workshops and events designed to expose students to frontier research in financial economics and to encourage research collaborations aimed at supporting prudent policy-making.

Housing, Household Debt, and the Macroeconomy

Project Director: Amir Sufi, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Housing costs are the largest expense for most households and are therefore a significant portion of consumption nationally. Likewise, mortgages account for not just the lion’s share of household debt but also a substantial portion of credit markets. Surprisingly, however, the mechanisms by which mortgage and housing market disturbances ripple through the economy are not well understood. The University of Chicago is home to a strong and growing group of experts in this area. The MFR is supporting their work and fostering a collaborative community of researchers at Chicago Booth, Northwestern University, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.