Research Publication

January 1982 | Article

Instrumental Variables Procedures for Estimating Linear Rational Expectations Models

Lars Peter Hansen and Thomas J. Sargent

This paper illustrates how to use instrumental variables procedures to estimate the parameters of a linear rational expectations model. These procedures are appropriate when disturbances are serially correlated and the instrumental variables are not exogenous. We compare our procedures to some alternative estimators that estimate free parameters from restrictions implied by the Euler equations. The procedures are applicable to a variety of linear rational expectations models, several examples of which we cite.

Journal: Journal of Monetary Economics|Volume: 9|Issue Number: 3|Pages: 263-296|Tags: Econometrics|Export BibTeX >
  title={Instrumental Variables Procedures for Estimating Linear Rational Expectations Models},
  author={Hansen, Lars Peter and Sargent, Thomas J},
  journal={Journal of Monetary Economics},